The weather outside is grey and rainy. It’s probably “high-water” in Venice, not a day where I’d like walking in the small alleyways…so I write a post ^_^ Someone could advise me, “get a life”. They could be right!
Yesterday evening I was thinking about the amount of graduates that each year are poured into the job market and I though that the system is designed to have those who have (too much) and those who don’t (have anything). It’s the way you keep people in control and the way you can maintain miserable conditions in place.
The fear of loosing a job is such, that one accepts even unfair contracts. In reality, if we all (or at least who wants!) worked part-time, there would be enough work for everyone and there wouldn’t be any misery. That would allow people to actually choose better work environments and ultimately the overall work conditions would improve, because everyone could simply change job if those conditions were not decent of a human being.
There would be more time, to read, make conscious decision, study, be better citizens. This is precisely what any ruling group doesn’t want, I guess. Having a well educated, organised working class, with time to make better choices. It takes time to choose to live sustainably. It takes time and effort to be truly informed and make consequent choices. It takes time even to change bank or to choose the best (or the most ethical) brand, in whatever field. It takes time to have better relationships and to take care of ourselves. It takes time even to protest about something or simply, to think.
Nowadays people with means have little if no time and those with time have no means. Both don’t have something essential to improve society and have healthier and happier lives. Blending the two positions is easy and everyone would benefit so there is no rational reason to be against it. Two part-time employees should cost like a full-time, or less, in a civilised society. In such a way there would be an incentive to create a better and more democratic society.
I don’t think this is a particularly difficult concept to grasp, yet, politician and their well trained economists around the world don’t put it into practice and this alone shows to everyone with a pinch of reason, how much they care about citizens and how much they care about democracy. If this simple fact doesn’t convince you that we are not in a democracy, I don’t know what else should.