What if the great evil nurtured itself from people’s time…which is the only valuable asset in people’s life, as well as health and love.
What if all the stupid tasks and bureaucracy we endure in a civilized society were tools to suck this time off people who dedicate all their valuable life to useless jobs (some jobs really seem pointless) created by false and sometimes harmful needs.
What if all the job advertised were lark mirrors, so that people would spend hours and hours of life time-value trying to reach…nothing…like the value of money nowadays. So that even when they are not in the production line, they can still be sucked of precious time-life.
This is absurd, how could time-energy be possibly stolen! By whom! …if there were a great evil, wouldn’t there be a great good to counter balance the system…and where would that be in this game?
…perhaps in our decision to create something, when we have time off, instead of following what we are supposed to be doing…perhaps the great good is whenever we create something, thus we generate and nourish our creative being and we feel free…