The intention behind an action

You know whenever you are offered something, even any sort of help. Think about it twice as every time there is an action, whatever that is, there’s generally an intention. We cover our intentions and we deceive even ourselves, but genuine gestures with no strings attached are rare. They are not impossible, just very rare.

How many times do we really consider other people’s well being before suggesting them to do so or so. Is reality all just a matter of interpretation? I offered you some help, I just didn’t tell you I wanted to help you because I had something to prove to myself, to my family, to my wellbeing as a person. You were only a tool. Does that count as a feeling? I wanted to prove that I am able to do it. I wanted some company, of a decent person, tidy, well educated, hopefully pretty. You will not regret it, no…you will not regret when you return to your previous state of life and you will not miss anything of what I had to offer you in reality. That is what you will not regret. People speak so easily, but they rarely have responsibility for what they say.

I’m talking too general, am I not.

How admirable those who are always content, happy with their lives, whatever happens to them doesn’t seem to touch their stability. However, the same behavior apply to quite selfish people who do not consider external factors because all they care is themselves and they do not look at external consequences. They do not consider other people’s emotions, needs, let alone well-being. They only think that everything is fine, but it’s not. How could possibly be, that everything is always fine. Not everything is equal, it’s a matter of taste isn’t it. Certain things one might like, others not quite so and it’s not all the same. It cannot be. Had you had feeling for me, nothing else would have mattered. That’s him again, he is such a god sun that how could possibly matter anything else.

I’m talking in too general terms again, am I not.

Is it really just a matter of interpretation? Really can you not be bothered by external circumstances of life? Is it an achievement of wisdom or the ultimate ego-centric stage, where nothing else but you has the power to affect and touch your life.

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