The importance of acceptance

I was always told that aiming for better prospects in life and wanting to achieve things is a healthy way of living. That attitude though, leads to always wanting more and more and essentially not be satisfied with one’s life. Perhaps this is just a disillusioned point of view, but rather than comparing lives and situations, if I made the most of what I have, choosing the best option among those I have, wouldn’t that make my life more enjoyable? Expecting always the option I don’t have instead, it’s definitely a good recipe for frustration.

I really want to outline, to myself first, how much of the values I have are constructions of a certain social system I was raised with, but they are not really mine. They don’t make me feel any better!

I remember when I took my now-too-long-break from work, that I wanted to understand what was really valuable for me and I wanted to learn something where I could grow day by day by doing it. I was tired of learning “procedures” that kept changing where I didn’t have the feeling of having learnt anything at the end of the day.

After a while I forgot about this and recently I’ve been in the loop of looking for a standard way to go back to the “work force”, which too often looks to me like a voluntary labour camp force at the time of the totalitarian social systems. I am sorry, but with the current work conditions it does look like that, especially in certain areas of the world, including Europe.

It is clear to me that the current social instability is intentionally maintained the way it is. Otherwise we are all intelligent enough to realize we could simply split our work and needs and there would be more than enough for everybody, but so the story goes and has always gone. If we divided the world’s wealth, perhaps there wouldn’t even be any poverty. Incidentally, what makes us genuinely happy and healthy are among the less expensive things on earth: beautiful landscapes, outdoor activities (hiking, swimming), cultural activities (reading, writing, drawing, playing) friendship, affection, love and fruits!

There is no need for me to be unhappy, maybe, if only I were to give value to what really matters, for me of course.

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Does my sense of worth depend on what I do?

If the social system we created foresees that only 10% of the population might do something worthwhile, for example something that a machine could not possibly do at the present and near future, where a tiny minority is the only one that really uses its intelligence and its brain. Have we basically created a system where only 10% (or much less) of the population can actually feel worthy?

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The intention behind an action

You know whenever you are offered something, even any sort of help. Think about it twice as every time there is an action, whatever that is, there’s generally an intention. We cover our intentions and we deceive even ourselves, but genuine gestures with no strings attached are rare. They are not impossible, just very rare.

How many times do we really consider other people’s well being before suggesting them to do so or so. Is reality all just a matter of interpretation? I offered you some help, I just didn’t tell you I wanted to help you because I had something to prove to myself, to my family, to my wellbeing as a person. You were only a tool. Does that count as a feeling? I wanted to prove that I am able to do it. I wanted some company, of a decent person, tidy, well educated, hopefully pretty. You will not regret it, no…you will not regret when you return to your previous state of life and you will not miss anything of what I had to offer you in reality. That is what you will not regret. People speak so easily, but they rarely have responsibility for what they say.

I’m talking too general, am I not.

How admirable those who are always content, happy with their lives, whatever happens to them doesn’t seem to touch their stability. However, the same behavior apply to quite selfish people who do not consider external factors because all they care is themselves and they do not look at external consequences. They do not consider other people’s emotions, needs, let alone well-being. They only think that everything is fine, but it’s not. How could possibly be, that everything is always fine. Not everything is equal, it’s a matter of taste isn’t it. Certain things one might like, others not quite so and it’s not all the same. It cannot be. Had you had feeling for me, nothing else would have mattered. That’s him again, he is such a god sun that how could possibly matter anything else.

I’m talking in too general terms again, am I not.

Is it really just a matter of interpretation? Really can you not be bothered by external circumstances of life? Is it an achievement of wisdom or the ultimate ego-centric stage, where nothing else but you has the power to affect and touch your life.

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I was asked by my brother to write articles

for 6eur per piece, because that’s the amount he pays by outsourcing them to emerging economies. Now, I’ll be honest, my English certainly is not flawless, however I think my reasoning is fairly good. I hope so at least. I don’t like to simply edit material to fill in keywords for Google’s sake . I like to think and to research interesting data so to provide a truly useful service, otherwise what would be the point of my work? Those trained in economy think differently. Now tell me how one is suppose to do any research of any sort for 6eur per article.  Am I just ungrateful to the providence or was I right to feel bad about working at those conditions?

The more I keep confronting myself with the job scene, no matter where, the more I feel a fish out of water and totally useless.

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What makes us human is our ability to feel connected with the universe.

Love between two people is but a way to access this connection. One can reach it in other ways too. When I was naked, floating in the sea, I felt hold in the universe’s arms.

If someone serves as this kind of vehicle, what else would I need to know to realise whether he is the right one? If I like him and we get on well and he allows me to feel connected with Everything, what else do I need to know?
Our body is nothing more than a mass of cells. They could be mechanical parts and it wouldn’t make a difference, I wouldn’t reside there anyway. It is a way of expressing who we are, nothing more, nothing less.

Where is my essence? Perhpas I’m nothing more than a part of God, a wave that found a resonance and an expression in this world. The moment I’ve become conscious, I’ve become God’s expression, perhaps before I was simply a mass of organised cells that strive to survive well, a biological machine, only softer than an inorganic machine.

I believe that feelings are everything and that they go beyond biological mechanics. They are also expressed via biological mechanics, but it’s in their essence that I exist. So if you fall in love with my essence and my body allows you to feel that connection…what else do you need?

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Misery and happiness

While I was on the ferry I had a thought…what if the way I see and describe reality were just my way of seeing it. My struggles, my personal sufferance, sense of loss, frustrations and the injustices that I see around myself. What if they were just the lenses I were using to filter reality, like a polarized film which filters everything else and selects among a virtually infinite number of possibilities, just the bad stuff. Is that possible? Do I choose the way I colour reality according to the polarization I apply on my filters, because yes we do filter reality, that’s a fact…but there is something objective out there, isn’t there?

When people wake up in the morning to go to work, if they happen to do something they love, then great, but the reality is that a high percentage of people are not doing something they enjoy but simply something that “pays the bills” and there are people in the current society who have to fulfil roles that objectively are not fun. Truly creative people are a tiny minority among workers. So it seems to me that this ideology of “you choose the way you see reality” might be true for those who have some degree of freedom in their daily lives, but not for the majority.

Clearly, whoever belongs to that elite part of population, talks with others belonging to that social group and goes around saying that reality is a matter of interpretation, yes…because their polarization gives them that colour of reality in front of them. Their creative and free soil allows to have that kind of filter. So they are right in seeing things in a certain way, as well as others, are true when expressing opposite view, because their lenses filter other rays of reality. The point is, how do you change polarization of your filter…or better, would changing what you perceive of this reality affect your conditions? I don’t think it would directly, however, you’d be able to talk with these other social group who see reality in a much  more pleasant way and would create better bondings with those and that as a consequence would eventually change your conditions.

Do the lenses have the power to change reality? I think reality remains an open set of possibilities…we just affect the way we perceive it, but we don’t affect what’s out there, which is probably a white canvas, neither good or bad. Perhaps it’s like an artistic drawing, neither beautiful or ugly, but just open to interpretations according to the filters available.

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When times are tough…shine

It’s precisely at times of uncertainty that one should realise no one is alone and that the world is indeed a stage…so there is no harm in trying to do what makes us feel happy inside.

One should not escape from fears or problems, but face them.

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Job hunting, life-time wasting

What if the great evil nurtured itself from people’s time…which is the only valuable asset in people’s life, as well as health and love.

What if all the stupid tasks and bureaucracy we endure in a civilized society were tools to suck this time off people who dedicate all their valuable life to useless jobs (some jobs really seem pointless) created by false and sometimes harmful needs.

What if all the job advertised were lark mirrors, so that people would spend hours and hours of life time-value trying to reach…nothing…like the value of money nowadays. So that even when they are not in the production line, they can still be sucked of precious time-life.

This is absurd, how could time-energy be possibly stolen! By whom! …if there were a great evil, wouldn’t there be a great good to counter balance the system…and where would that be in this game?

…perhaps in our decision to create something, when we have time off, instead of following what we are supposed to be doing…perhaps the great good is whenever we create something, thus we generate and nourish our creative being and we feel free…

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Part-time work and Democracy

The weather outside is grey and rainy. It’s probably “high-water” in Venice, not a day where I’d like walking in the small alleyways…so I write a post ^_^ Someone could advise me, “get a life”. They could be right!

Yesterday evening I was thinking about the amount of graduates that each year are poured into the job market and I though that the system is designed to have those who have (too much) and those who don’t (have anything). It’s the way you keep people in control and the way you can maintain miserable conditions in place.

The fear of loosing a job is such, that one accepts even unfair contracts. In reality, if we all (or at least who wants!) worked part-time, there would be enough work for everyone and there wouldn’t be any misery. That would allow people to actually choose better work environments and ultimately the overall work conditions would improve, because everyone could simply change job if those conditions were not decent of a human being.

There would be more time, to read, make conscious decision, study, be better citizens. This is precisely what any ruling group doesn’t want, I guess. Having a well educated, organised working class, with time to make better choices. It takes time to choose to live sustainably. It takes time and effort to be truly informed and make consequent choices. It takes time even to change bank or to choose the best (or the most ethical) brand, in whatever field. It takes time to have better relationships and to take care of ourselves. It takes time even to protest about something or simply, to think.

Nowadays people with means have little if no time and those with time have no means. Both don’t have something essential to improve society and have healthier and happier lives. Blending the two positions is easy and everyone would benefit so there is no rational reason to be against it. Two part-time employees should cost like a full-time, or less, in a civilised society. In such a way there would be an incentive to create a better and more democratic society.

I don’t think this is a particularly difficult concept to grasp, yet, politician and their well trained economists around the world don’t put it into practice and this alone shows to everyone with a pinch of reason, how much they care about citizens and how much they care about democracy. If this simple fact doesn’t convince you that we are not in a democracy, I don’t know what else should.


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Venice looks like a whore

Venice is representative for the rest of Italy. It is a prostitute whose soul has been sold to tourists and there is no research on quality left, but commerce or whatever makes money in the easiest way. The same applies to the rest of the country thanks to the ignorant and corrupted people in power.

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